Daniyal Mueenuddin has won The Story Prize for his extraordinary collection of connected stories, In Other Rooms, Other Wonders, which center around a feudal landowner in southern Pakistan. Founder Julie Lindsey presented him with the $20,000 award and an engraved silver bowl at an event that took place at The New School in New York City on Wednesday night, March 4. The other finalists, Victoria Patterson for Drift and Wells Tower for Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned, each received $5,000. All three authors read from and discussed their work onstage.
More details will follow, including the judges' citations for all three books. A Web cast will follow on FORA.tv in a few weeks. We'll post photos from both the event and reception on The Story Prize Web site in the days ahead and will also link to notable press coverage. We're grateful to all three writers for their participation and, most of all, for their wonderful books.
It was a pleasure talking to Daniyal, Tory, and Wells—and all three read beautifully and show incredible promise for more great work.